Lesson plan including learning outcomes

Subject: Cooking

Topic: How to make an authentic Chinese fried rice?

Main audience:people who want to learn about Chinese cuisine; someone who wants to try cooking

Multimedia Design: Twine Story

Equipment needed: basic kitchenware, choose your own ingredients, rice, and eggs

Prior required knowledge:

Students need to have cooking experience (using knives and pots)
Students need to have experience using computers

Multimedia principles:

Redundancy Principle: My first twine story has a lot of text, so I deleted some words which were not related to my topic. Because the audience may feel distracted by these contents, I removed some unimportant contents.

Multimedia principle, I put few words and a photo on each page. Pictures of various success or failure examples can provide learners with learning experience.

Signaling Principle: I highlighted the important steps in the paragraph. Many times I will provide the learners with important steps as options. This will deepen their impression of the key points.

Lesson focus:

Help students understand various types of fried rice and how to make them.
By learning the wrong options in Twine story, avoid the same mistakes in the future. By studying the fried rice in the example, you can finally make your favorite fried rice

At the end of lesson, students will be able to:

know the different uses of eggs in Chinese fried rice

Know the basic process of fried rice

Understand the basic characteristics of fried rice: dry, non-greasy, rich in taste

Through theoretical knowledge, choose the ingredients yourself, finally, make a fried rice

Multimedia Design, Create & Review Group Project